Total Roof Services
  • Commercial roofing project in progress with workers installing a new roof.

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  • Commercial roofing project in progress with workers installing a new roof.

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  • Total Roof Services Roof Coating

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  • Commercial roofing project in progress with workers installing a new roof.

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  • Total Roof Services Roof Coating

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Silicone roof coatings add a protective layer over your existing roof—no reroofing needed.

Protect Your Roof in Orlando, FL With a Silicone Roof Coating

If you have a roof with an intact structure that is beginning to show its age, a silicone roof coating may be able to extend your roof’s life. At Total Roof Services Corp., we provide contemporary roof coatings so you can seal and protect your roof to prevent a replacement and enhance your roof’s performance. 

Benefits of a Roof Coating

A roof coating can help stave off the need for a roof replacement on larger commercial buildings, but silicone roof coatings can be applied over any roofing material.

With a roof coating, you can waterproof your existing roof structure and add a reflective material to deflect the sun’s rays. Energy-efficient and cost-effective, roof coatings also prevent your business from being disrupted by a new roof installation. At Total Roof Services, we can complete your silicone roof coating as quickly and efficiently as possible to minimize our disruption to your daily operations.

During your initial inspection and estimate, we’ll identify any repairs needed prior to applying a silicone roof coating. Completing these repairs will help reinforce your roof’s performance and make the coating even more effective.

Once the repairs are done, we will apply your roof coating. A roof coating applied by our expert installers can extend the life of your roof by many years, preventing the need for a replacement while keeping your building protected and energy-efficient.

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