What You Should Know About Different Roofing Loads

August 5, 2023

Every roofing system has a load limit, which allows it to handle and resist any pressure placed upon it. The roof load can be both permanent and temporary, and is generally influenced by specific roof design. So, you can get a clearer idea on this crucial factor, the premier roof repair company, Total Roof Services Corp. offers a quick overview of the different types.

Dead load

This refers to the overall weight of the roof structure itself, plus any permanently attached materials and structures, such as chimneys and vent pipes. The heavier the roofing material, the higher the dead load. That’s why, if you’ve decided on a heavy material, such as tile or slate for your roof replacement, you should consider adding an extra support structure to safely accommodate the load.

Live load

The live load refers to any temporary pressure placed upon the roofing system. In northern regions, this usually means the weight of snow buildup, but in warmer areas, the live load may come from accumulated roof debris or people working on the roof, along with any equipment they may have brought up with them. As you plan for a residential roofing replacement, make sure the roof design can support both the dead and live loads. Otherwise, this can negatively affect the installation process and will put unnecessary strain on the roof structure.

Uplift load

Most will assume that roof load is only limited to downward pressure, but that’s not exactly the case. The system should be able to resist uplift pressure from high winds as well. When strong gusts hit your home’s exterior, their energy may disperse upward along the wall, causing the roof material to lift up. For this reason, make sure your roof has an uplift load limit that can handle wind speeds of at least 90 miles per hour. 

Total Roof Services Corp. not only offers emergency roof repair services – we can also handle your roof installation needs. Expect only a smooth and worry-free experience when you turn to us. We proudly serve Orlando and all the areas in Central Florida. Call us today at (407) 495-4151.

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